Position Paper: Ghana’s 2019 Budget Review on the Environment

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Position Paper

This paper reviews the 2019 Budget and Economic Policy statement presented by the Finance Minister, Mr. Ken Ofori Attah (Hon), to assess government’s commitment to ensuring environmental sustainability targets of Ghana. It also presents the position of the Green Livelihood Alliance made up of A Rocha Ghana, Tropenbos Ghana and Friends of the Earth; looking at the extent to which the 2019 budget depends on environmental resources and assets for realization of set targets and further assesses the extent to which priority development areas will impact on environmental services and assets. Additionally, this paper reviews the extent to which the budget identifies and makes state driven investments towards climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable forest management; all of which are crucial for building community resilience against the impacts of climate change and providing safety-nets for the largely agrarian economy of Ghanaians.

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