Community mangrove restoration project

Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site

Subject: Coastal Wetland Conservation
Location: Winneba, Ghana
Leader: Jacqueline Kumadoh Mbawine

Restoring the ecological integrity of Muni-Pomadze

The Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site located at Winneba, Central Region is one of the five coastal Ramsar sites in Ghana. Originally endowed with mangrove biodiversity among other wildlife resources, the site has experienced a continuous resource decline over the years. Anthropogenic activities such as charcoal production, firewood collection, bush burning, inappropriate farming practices and illegal hunting have been identified as the cause of resource decline. This has a resulting ripple effect on both natural resources as well as basic livelihood options available to fringing communities who depend primarily on these resources. A Rocha Ghana in collaboration with the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission has undertaken several activities as part of efforts to restore the ecological integrity of the Ramsar site as well as improve the livelihood of communities utilizing the resources at the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site.

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Conservation education and public awareness campaigns (CEPA)

A Rocha Ghana carried out conservation education through visits to schools, churches and community groups, and also on the radio.

Sustainable natural resource conservation and management

To empower community members and restore the ecological integrity of the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site, A Rocha Ghana provided training on establishing tree nurseries and sustainable natural resource conservation and management.

Alternative livelihoods for communities

To provide a sustainable livelihood for community members, A Rocha Ghana provided training in snail and grasscutter rearing. Participants were also given breeding stock and livestock enclosures.

Fuel-efficient cook stoves

Within the communities, many people are dependent on fuel wood, which is leading to significant degradation of the trees and vegetation beside the lagoon and rivers. To address this, A Rocha Ghana trained community members in the production of fuel-efficient cook stoves.