Atewa Forest: Gov’t & GIADEC Must Stop the Misinformation & Lack of Transparency
The reckless abandon and persistence of this government to destroy Ghana’s progress and efforts to address deforestation and build resilience for communities is appalling to say the least.
We say this today because, according to the Minerals Commission’s Mining Repository, the Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC) has been granted a licence dated 27 July 2022 to prospect for bauxite in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve. Technically, this will be the second needless prospecting in a magnificent and critical forest like the Atewa Forest Reserve.
GIADEC and the Ghana government have ensured the utmost secrecy throughout this process. This is in complete disregard for Ghana’s Minerals and Mining Act 703 that requires transparency in the granting of mineral rights.
We believe they have done this to push through their agenda with the minimum of resistance from local communities, civil society, and all Ghanaians concerned about the Atewa Forest and Ghana’s future generations.
Certain information provided by GIADEC and government also appears misleading. This is again no doubt
to minimise resistance and advocacy statements that may disturb potential partners and investors in government’s bauxite mining plans for Atewa.